Why We Do It

We design new solutions for complex issues with our clients.

  • We believe in the human potential in all of us. 

  • We believe that strong individuals, communities, and countries can come together to form a better future.

  • We believe that we can only get there by building human connections and systems that serve the needs of each of us. 

  • We believe that great systems of health care, education, housing, justice, social care, and government propel our neighbors & communities forward.

  • We believe that great systems should get outsized results, be affordable, and be responsive to the needs of their users.

  • We believe that great systems nurture innovation, champion change, and scale with demand.

We believe this world is possible, and that it’s ours for the making. Won’t you join us?

Part of our community.

While our work takes us all over the globe, HSG believes deeply in the importance of supporting our home communities grow and thrive. HSG is proud to financially support agencies that provide care for community members in our two home communities of New York and Manchester, England. 

Football Club United of Manchester

In England, there’s no sport more competitive or beloved than football—or the Americans say, soccer. This is why in 2005, when one of the world’s greatest teams Manchester United was purchased by an outside agent, the people of greater Manchester suddenly faced sticker-shock at ticket prices and the community felt separated from the team’s success. In turn, the community came together and founded F.C. United of Manchester, a new football club, deeply rooted in the community, built and funded by fans, who each own one share in the club. F.C. United has become the largest fan-owned football club in the United Kingdom, but more importantly, continues to serve its community members in new and innovative ways, specifically tying the sport to the wellbeing of local residents.

The club hosts a Sport Memories Network, aimed at helping aging adults who have dementia, depression, or are socially isolated by engaging in activities that help them recall memories of playing or watching sports. The team also hosts a pan-disability league for youth, a “walking football” league for older adults to stay active, and many other innovative approaches at keeping their local community healthy. HSG is proud to sponsor the Mental Wellbeing Team, a team specifically built for those suffering or recovering from mental illness. The team has its own coaching staff and wraparound supports. HSG is proud to support the Football Club United of Manchester.

The Boys and Girls Club of the Capital Area-Summer Youth Employment Program

New York’s capital city is home to thousands of youth who are crafting their own paths to success. Access to summer employment opportunities is critical for youth to explore potential career paths, develop new skills, and gain valuable workplace experience that can help propel their careers. Because so many of our families struggle financially, making these opportunities paid employment allows for all youth to participate and earn both skills and a paycheck over the summer months. HSG is proud to support the Boys & Girls Club of the Capital Area.